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Stink Bug
Source: Photos.com - 100,000 stock photos for $129.95
Image © 2009 www.photos.com
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PICTURES (Click to enlarge)
Stink Bug Hover Fly Butterfly
Sugar Maple Borer Long-Horned Grasshopper Leaf Butterfly
Red Lacewing Butterfly Butterfly Pima Orange-tip
Greenish Blue Acmon Blue Gray Blue
Tailed Copper Mariposa Copper Ruddy Copper
Siva Hairstreak Convict Hairstreak Golden Anglewing
California Sister California Sister Tropical Leafwing
White Peacock Malachite Cracker
Clearwing Ithomiid Ithomiid Small Flambeau
Western Checkerspot Edith's Checkerspot Pacific Checkerspot
Paintbrush Checkerspot Field Crescent Red Admiral
Quaderna Hairstreak Palmer's Metalmark Chiricahua Metalmark
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