Koala Streaming RAM Hear Sound National Geographic - Creature Feature Archive
Koala Streaming RAM Hear Sound ABC Archives and Library Services
Close perspective of a vocalising male Koala.
Koala Streaming RAM Hear Sound ABC Archives and Library Services
General communication between mother and baby koala.
Koala Streaming RAM Hear Sound ABC Archives and Library Services
Koala eating leaves.
Wombat Streaming RAM Hear Sound ABC Archives and Library Services
2 wombats growling at each other.
Kangaroo Streaming RAM Hear Sound ABC Archives and Library Services
Close perspective of Eastern Grey Kangaroo making clucking vocalisations.
Tasmanian Devil Streaming RAM Hear Sound ABC Archives and Library Services
Several Tasmanian Devils fighting as they feed off kangaroo carcass.
Wombat 0.020MB MP3 Hear Sound Russell's Burrow
Russell the Wombat - 'calling to mum'
Bandicoot Streaming RAM Hear Sound ABC Kimberley
News Clip from March 2002 - Golden Bandicoot back from the brink. "The Golden Bandictoot is a nocturnal creature that was once widespread across the continent and now survives on offshore islands".
Tasmanian Devil 0.080MB AIFF Hear Sound Tasmania - Dept. of Primary Industries, Water, and Environment
Tasmanian Devil Vocalization
Sugar Glider 0.130MB AIFF Hear Sound Tasmania - Dept. of Primary Industries, Water, and Environment
They are also are highly vocal animals and have a range of vocalisations for different occasions. If the nest is disturbed, the occupants emit a rather intimidating chattering sound.
Opossum MP3 Hear Sound National Geographic
Opossum sound clip
Long-Eared Bandicoot Streaming RAM Hear Sound ABC Goldfields
News Clip from August 2002 - Bringing the bilby back to the Goldfields. "The bilby, or long-eared bandicoot, is the focus of a CALM plan to rejuvenate their population and re-establish their habitat throughout the Goldfields".