White-rayed Shrimpgoby Howard Hall Productions
White-rayed Shrimpgoby (Stonogobiops sp.) symbiosi Visit Site
Wrasse Howard Hall Productions
Wrasse Visit Site
Yellow Bigeyes Howard Hall Productions
Yellow Bigeyes (fish) Visit Site
Yellow Damselfish Howard Hall Productions
Yellow Damselfish Visit Site
Yellowfin Tuna Howard Hall Productions
Yellowfin Tuna Visit Site
Yellownose Shrimpgoby Howard Hall Productions
Yellownose Shrimpgoby (Stonogobiops xanthorhinica Visit Site
Yellownose Shrimpgoby symbiosis Howard Hall Productions
Yellownose Shrimpgoby symbiosis Visit Site
Zebra Lionfish Howard Hall Productions
Zebra Lionfish Visit Site
Barracuda Howard Hall Productions
Barracuda with fishhook and leader trailing from m Visit Site
Crocodile Fish Global Cuts
Crocodile fish Uncannily resembling a small crocodile, this is a docile animal that lies on the seabed awaiting the approach of its prey. The Crocodile Fish feeds mainly on crustacean and other fish. As you'll see in this sequence it hunts by ""sit and wait"" method. The Crocodile fish footage is shot with a 3CCD DV camcorder and is supplied in flattened QuickTime format. It is shot and captured in DV-PAL format dimensions, 720 x 576 pixels, at a frame rate of 25 fps. Keywords: Crocodile Fish, Underwater Footage, Scuba Footage, Cymbacephalus beauforti, Bony Fishes, Platycephalidae, Red Sea, Egypt. Visit Site
Lionfish Global Cuts
A lionfish is any of several species of venomous marine fish in the genera Pterois or Dendrochirus, family Scorpaenidae. The lionfish is native to the tropical Indo-Pacific region of the world. They are notable for their extremely long and separated spines, and have a generally striped appearance, red, brown, or black on white. While they are available for home aquaria, the venom of the spines is extremely painful, and lionfish are only recommended for the careful aquarist. They are a very hardy and disease resistant fish, making them a good choice for beginner aquarists. As recent as 2003, they have also been spotted in the warmer coral regions of the Eastern Atlantic Ocean and Caribbean Sea. The Lionfish footage is shot with a 3CCD DV camcorder and is supplied in flattened QuickTime format. It is shot and captured in DV-PAL format dimensions, 720 x 576 pixels, at a frame rate of 25 fps. Visit Site
Moray Eel Global Cuts
East of Eden is a great dive site just outside the Similan Islands, in the Andaman Sea. Here, you'll find all sorts of coral (bearing the marks of El Ninjo and dynamite fishing). you'll also meet Ed, a Moray Eel living at the site. Ed love divers. When you approach him, he comes out of his hiding place and gives you a hug or two. We also included footage of stonefish, clown fish and some other species too. Truly amazing wildlife footage. NOTE: We're sorry to announce that dear old Ed has passed away since the text above was written. The footage on East of Eden is shot with a 3CCD camcorder in a Light and Motion underwater housing. It is supplied in flattened QuickTime 720 x 576 DV-PAL format, at a frame rate of 25 fps. Keywords: Moray Eel, Giant Moray, Underwater Footage, UW Footage, U/W Footage, Diver, Scuba Diver, Scuba Divers, Table Coral, Andaman Sea, Similan Islands, Thailand. Visit Site
The Napoleonfsih Global Cuts
Meet the heavyweight champ of fish, the Napoleon wrasse (also known as the Chilinus undulatus). In this sequence, shot at the Brothers Islands in the Red Sea, we discovered this huge specimen, weighing well over 120 kilos (265 pounds). We and a moray eel happened to be in the way of his upcoming octopus dinner, so we were able to get unusually close to this otherwise shy species, and capture these unique pictures. The footage on The Napoleon is shot with a 3CCD camcorder in a Light and Motion UW Housing. It is supplied in flattened QuickTime format, DV-PAL format dimensions, 720 x 576 pixels, at a frame rate of 25 fps. Visit Site
Cornetfish Global Cuts
Thin is in! This super-long-and-skinny fish's scientific name, Fistularia, means ""pipe"" in Latin. It makes an efficient predator, sucking small fish and shrimp into its expandable mouth, and by riding on top of other species to ambush its prey. Above all, cornetfish make for funky footage, as they seem to enjoy the close encounter of scuba divers. The footage on Cornetfish is shot with a 3CCD camcorder in a Light and Motion UW Housing. It is supplied in flattened QuickTime format. Time lengths range from 9 seconds up to 49 seconds and 37,9 MB to 181,4 MB file size. It is shot and captured in DV-PAL format dimensions, 720 x 576 pixels, at a frame rate of 25 fps. Visit Site
Piranha Global Cuts
The piranha or piraa is a carnivorous freshwater fish living in South American rivers. They are known for their sharp teeth and an aggressive appetite for meat and flesh. The flesh-eating variety are only known to live in the Amazonian and Paraguayan river systems as the one in this short sequence.
Piranhas pose no threat to humans, and human attacks are extremely seldom. Natives frequently swim in piranha infested water without attacks or scratches. It is not recommended to swim where piranha live in drought season because of increased aggressiveness caused by less food availability.
The Piranha Fishing footage is shot with a 3CCD DVCAM camcorder and is supplied in flattened QuickTime format. It is shot and captured in NTSC format dimensions, 720 x 480 pixels, at a frame rate of 30 fps. PAL version available.
Keywords: Amazon Wildlife, Amazon Wildlife Footage, Amazon Forrest Wildlife Stock Footage, Fish, Piranha Fishing, Piraa, Peru, South America. Visit Site