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  Arachnid Movies

There are 71 video clip matches for 'Arachnid'.
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More About Arachnids ...
The arachnids, Arachnida, are a class of invertebrate animals in the subphylum Chelicerata. Arachnids are named for the mythological figure Arachne. They are chiefly terrestrial arthropods, some 65,000 to 73,000 species including the spiders, scorpions, harvestmen, ticks, and mites. The arachnids are easily distinguished from the insects by the fact that they have eight legs instead of six. The pedipalpi (leg-like mouthparts) of some species has instead been adapted for sensory, prey capture or reproductive functions. In solpugids the palpi are quite leg-like and make solpugids appear to have ten legs. Larval mites have only six legs: they grow their fourth pair when they molt into nymphs.

Arachnids are mostly carnivorous, feeding on the pre-digested body of insects and other small animals. Many are venomous - they secrete poison from specialized glands to kill prey or enemies. Others are parasites, some of which are carriers of disease. Arachnids usually lay eggs, which hatch into immature adults.
Source: Wikipedia Read more about Arachnids
Predatory mite
0.530MB  AVI  View Movie
Jarmo Holopainen - Digital Video Clips of Urban, Agricultural and Forest Pests and Beneficial Insect
Predatory mite Phytoseiulus persimis try to catch a spider mite
0.500MB  MOV  View Movie
Desert USA
Tarantula clip
Brazilian Salmon Pink Birdeater
1.900MB  MOV  View Movie
Hay's Tarantula Page
Tarantula Molting - time lapse movie
Brazilian Salmon Pink Birdeater
18.520MB  MOV  View Movie
Hay's Tarantula Page
Tarantual Feeding Frenzy
Chilean Rose Tarantula
6.920MB  MOV  View Movie
Hay's Tarantula Page
Tarantual Molting
Costa Rican Redleg
11.780MB  MOV  View Movie
Hay's Tarantula Page
Tarantula lured out of a burrow with a stick
Brazilian Bird eating tarantula
1.240MB  MOV  View Movie
Hay's Tarantula Page
Large female spider catches a termite
Salticid Spider
9.720MB  MOV  View Movie
Hay's Tarantula Page
A very small, but brave Salticid Spider, pauses and charges
1.910MB  MPG  View Movie
Spiny spider on web. Takes a while to download. Might be better to save to disk first and play later.
Spider mite
21.990MB  AVI  View Movie
Texas A&M; University
Spider mites
21.580MB  AVI  View Movie
Texas A&M; University
Spider in web
29.740MB  AVI  View Movie
Texas A&M; University
Closeup of spider anatomy
42.020MB  AVI  View Movie
Texas A&M; University
Spider trapping prey
0.780MB  MOV  View Movie
Spider moving along web
0.540MB  MOV  View Movie
Close-up of tarantula walking along ground
Golden-silk Spider
0.630MB  MOV  View Movie
Finley-Holiday Films
Golden-silk Spider
1.200MB  MOV  View Movie
Wrightwood Labs
Spider sitting on it's web. South America
MOV  View Movie
Banana Spider
2.000MB  MOV  View Movie
Large banana spider in web, rainforest
1.270MB  MOV  View Movie
Spider spinning web
Orb Weaver Spider
4.140MB  MPG  View Movie
The Creepy Crawly Zoo
Orb Weaver Spider clip
2.880MB  MPG  View Movie
The Creepy Crawly Zoo
Tarantula clip
0.410MB  AVI  View Movie
MPG  View Movie
The Natural History of Fort Ord
Video shows strength of a small spider web which holds a large struggling ant
Mould Mite
9.680MB  MPG  View Movie
Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada
Mould Mite
0.200MB  MPG  View Movie
Khao Yai National Park
Scorpion Dance
Jumping Spider
2.410MB  MOV  View Movie
Tree of Life Web Project
Courtship dance of Habronattus jucundus. More movies in this site.
Jumping Spider
1.300MB  MOV  View Movie
Tree of Life Web Project
Courtship dance of Habronattus coecatus. More movies in this site.
Jumping Spider
2.000MB  MOV  View Movie
Tree of Life Web Project
Courtship dance of Habronattus altanus. More movies in this site.
8.340MB  MOV  View Movie
Long movie
0.100MB  AVI  View Movie
The Amazing world of Brad Byers
Brad Byers taking tarantula out of his mount
30.270MB  MPG  View Movie
Harun Yahya International
The Web of the Spider - Long Documentary supporting Creationism
Black Widow Spider
View Movie
National Geographic
Deadly Mates: Black Widow Spiders
View Movie
National Geographic
Scorpion vs. Scorpion vs. Shrew
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National Geographic
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