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  Insect Movies

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0.550MB  MOV  View Movie
Oklahoma City Zoo
Butterfly at Oklahoma city zoo
Streaming  RAM  View Movie
Butterflies, Buffalo National River
0.240MB  MOV  View Movie
Lots and lots of maggots crawling
3.690MB  MPEG  View Movie
Nikon Microscopy U
A close-up view of a biting midge larva as it travels across the microscope field; under under darkfield illumination at a magnification of 200x
11.240MB  MPEG  View Movie
Nikon Microscopy U
A biting midge larva snakes its way across the microscope field; under darkfield illumination at a magnification of 200x
0.570MB  MOV  View Movie
Forest Lifeforms of Singapore and Malaysia
A movie on a Millibug Jumping
3.910MB  MOV  View Movie
Forest Lifeforms of Singapore and Malaysia
A movie on a Millibug moving
0.400MB  MPG  View Movie
Forest Lifeforms of Singapore and Malaysia
Fireflies in the mangrove
0.320MB  MPG  View Movie
Forest Lifeforms of Singapore and Malaysia
Fireflies in a plastic bag showing off their anger at being caught by flashing their lights. You might have to click on the thumbnail image of the fireflies to play the video.
Carpenter Ant
0.650MB  MOV  View Movie
Insects in Motion - Entomology Department at Virginia Tech
Side view of carpenter ant feeding on artificial diet.
Carpenter Ant
0.910MB  MOV  View Movie
Insects in Motion - Entomology Department at Virginia Tech
Top view of carpenter ant feeding on artificial diet.
Carpenter Ant
0.350MB  MOV  View Movie
Insects in Motion - Entomology Department at Virginia Tech
Close-up view of carpenter ant mouthparts.
Carpenter Ant
0.620MB  MOV  View Movie
Insects in Motion - Entomology Department at Virginia Tech
Carpenter ants feeding on artificial diet.
Honey Bee
0.550MB  MOV  View Movie
Insects in Motion - Entomology Department at Virginia Tech
Top view of Honey Bee feeding on a honey and water mixture.
Great Spangle Fritillary
0.290MB  MOV  View Movie
Insects in Motion - Entomology Department at Virginia Tech
Great Spangled Fritillary feeding on Butterfly Weed flowers. Moving about the flower is the curled, elongated proboscis, which the butterfly uses to siphon nectar.
Painted Lady Butterfly
0.430MB  MOV  View Movie
Insects in Motion - Entomology Department at Virginia Tech
Painted Lady Butterfly larvae (1st instar) feeding on mallow leaves.
Painted Lady Butterfly
0.850MB  MOV  View Movie
Insects in Motion - Entomology Department at Virginia Tech
Close-up view of Painted Lady Butterfly larva feeding on artificial diet
Great Spangle Fritillary
0.820MB  MOV  View Movie
Insects in Motion - Entomology Department at Virginia Tech
Close-up view of proboscis of a Great Spangled Fritillary
Giant Cockroach
0.760MB  MOV  View Movie
Insects in Motion - Entomology Department at Virginia Tech
Lab-reared Giant Cockroach feeding on bread crumbs.
0.710MB  MOV  View Movie
Insects in Motion - Entomology Department at Virginia Tech
Dragonfly nymph striking an earthworm underwater.
Asian Tiger Mosquito
1.140MB  MOV  View Movie
Insects in Motion - Entomology Department at Virginia Tech
An Asian Tiger Mosquito that has pierced the skin of a poor graduate student with her proboscis. Notice the swelling abdomen as it fills with blood.
Praying Mantis
0.840MB  MOV  View Movie
Insects in Motion - Entomology Department at Virginia Tech
Praying Mantid feeding on what's left of a cricket.
Painted Lady Butterfly
0.840MB  MOV  View Movie
Insects in Motion - Entomology Department at Virginia Tech
Painted Lady Butterfly female laying eggs on mallow leaves. The eggs look like small, clear, greenish balls on the leaf.
Painted Lady Butterfly
1.400MB  MOV  View Movie
Insects in Motion - Entomology Department at Virginia Tech
Painted Lady Butterfly larva eating its way out of the egg case. Note that larvae have emerged from the clear colored egg cases, while the dark ones still contain unhatched larvae.
Painted Lady Butterfly
0.810MB  MOV  View Movie
Insects in Motion - Entomology Department at Virginia Tech
Painted Lady Butterfly chrysalid. Notice that the head capsule from the larva falls off before the chrysalid stage. The butterfly goes through its final tranformation during the chrysalid stage, then emerges as an adult butterfly.
Asian Tiger Mosquito
0.800MB  MOV  View Movie
Insects in Motion - Entomology Department at Virginia Tech
Asian Tiger Mosquito pupa swimming in water.
Honey Bee
0.680MB  MOV  View Movie
Insects in Motion - Entomology Department at Virginia Tech
Close-up view of the stinger and poison sack. The muscles of the sack continue to pump poison through the stinger.
1.450MB  MOV  View Movie
Yukon Butterflies
Watch an on-line metamorphosis and learn about the life-cycle of the Painted Lady Butterfly as it transforms from larva to caterpillar to adult butterfly
Streaming  RM  View Movie
Watch ants plunge into a feast.
Streaming  RM  View Movie
A nymph shedding its husk to reveal an adult dragonfly
Streaming  RM  View Movie
An orchid lures a bee into a sticky situation
Praying Mantis
0.000MB  MOV  View Movie
A narrative on Evolution of camouflage. "the camouflage that works so well atop a green leaf would render the mantis easy prey in a different setting".
Leaf-cutter Ant
0.000MB  MOV  View Movie
Leafcutters have been "farming" this fungus for millions of years, feeding, fertilizing, weeding, and harvesting it.
1.130MB  AVI  View Movie
Texas A&M; University
Even bugs seem to have a need to scratch themselves. Having six limbs definitely helps!
Chinese Mantid
0.840MB  MOV  View Movie
Fairfax County Public Schools
Maintid Eating Video "They can be tan, pale green, or a combination of the two colors. They have long, skinny bodies and long legs. They also have long antennae".
0.000MB  MOV  View Movie
Getty Images
tracking shot millipede walking
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