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  Insect Movies

There are 329 video clip matches for 'Insect'.
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0.930MB  MOV  View Movie
Large black wasp on flowers, Baja California Mexico
Predacious Diving Beetle
4.740MB  MPG  View Movie
The Creepy Crawly Zoo
Predacious Diving Beetle clip
Giant Centipede
2.780MB  MPG  View Movie
The Creepy Crawly Zoo
Giant Centipede clip
4.420MB  MPG  View Movie
The Creepy Crawly Zoo
Dragonfly clip
Dung Beetle
4.020MB  MPG  View Movie
The Creepy Crawly Zoo
Dung Beetle clip
Leaf-Cutter Ant
11.810MB  RM  View Movie
Video filmed in North Eastern Costa Rica shows a jungle trail of leafcutters in action
Leaf-Cutter Ant
9.030MB  RM  View Movie
Video shows a very determined leafcutter as he battles the dreaded "pink flower"
1.910MB  MOV  View Movie
HD/DV Cuts
Flies on a dead vulture
Harvester Ant
MPG  View Movie
The Natural History of Fort Ord
Harvester ant captured by a tiny spider
AVI  View Movie
Vogelkundliche Beobachtungsstation Untermain e.V. Frankfurt am Main
Many cricket video clips
14.870MB  MOV  View Movie
Tropical Ecosystems of Costa Rica and Panama (R. Hays Cummins, Miami University)
Stingless Bee (Trigona fulviventris fulviventris) - activity at a hive entrance.
Blue Bees
3.910MB  MOV  View Movie
Tropical Ecosystems of Costa Rica and Panama (R. Hays Cummins, Miami University)
Blue Bees in Corcovado National Park. Check out the color!
8.920MB  MOV  View Movie
Tropical Ecosystems of Costa Rica and Panama (R. Hays Cummins, Miami University)
A very large beetle at Drake Bay near Corcovado National park.
Honey Bee
0.340MB  MOV  View Movie
Insects in Motion - Entomology Department at Virginia Tech
Side view of Honey Bee feeding on a honey and water mixture. The mouthparts form a tongue-like structure which laps up liquid, namely flower nectar.
0.700MB  MOV  View Movie
Insects in Motion - Entomology Department at Virginia Tech
Dragonfly nymph feeding on the earthworm. Notice the movement of the labium, the hinged structure moving back and forth while holding the prey in place.
Colorado Potato Beetle Feeding
2.150MB  MOV  View Movie
Iowa State
Colorado Potato Beetle Feeding
Bumble Bee
1.980MB  AVI  View Movie
Bumble Bee
Cowpea Weevil
3.760MB  MPG  View Movie
Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada
Cowpea Weevil
Rice Weevil
3.660MB  MPG  View Movie
Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada
Rice Weevil
Lesser Grain Borer
3.860MB  MPG  View Movie
Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada
Lesser Grain Borer
Rusty Grain Beetle
2.820MB  MPG  View Movie
Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada
Rusty Grain Beetle
Sawtoothed Grain Beetle
3.770MB  MPG  View Movie
Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada
Sawtoothed Grain Beetle
Red Flour Beetle
3.550MB  MPG  View Movie
Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada
Red Flour Beetle
Indianmeal Moth
2.910MB  MPG  View Movie
Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada
Indianmeal Moth
3.250MB  MPG  View Movie
Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada
Cephalonomia waterstoni
3.160MB  MPG  View Movie
Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada
Anisopteromalus calandrae
1.730MB  MPG  View Movie
Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada
Trichogramma - Examining moth egg
3.860MB  MPG  View Movie
Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada
Trichogramma - Laying an egg in a moth egg
Streaming  RM  View Movie
A Bee's Brain
Monarch Butterfly
0.050MB  MOV  View Movie
Finley-Holiday Films
Monarch Butterfly
MPG  View Movie
Motion of a caterpillar
17.950MB  MPG  View Movie
Harun Yahya International
Luminescent Creatures - Long Documentary supporting Creationism
0.530MB  View Movie
Southern regional ETTC
A clip of millipede - Eight-grade students from the Davies Middle School (under the guidance of Master Teacher Carla Hockenbury) present science lessons to elementary school students
0.570MB  View Movie
Southern regional ETTC
Answering questions on millipedes and difference between millipedes and centipedes. Eight-grade students from the Davies Middle School (under the guidance of Master Teacher Carla Hockenbury) present science lessons to elementary school students
0.500MB  View Movie
Southern regional ETTC
A presentation about millipedes
View Movie
National Geographic
The Imported Red Fire Ant
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