Vorticella 10.460MB MPEG View Movie Nikon Microscopy U
Eight vorticellas, attached to a bit of pond detritus, coil and uncoil in synchrony; under oblique illumination
Vorticella 9.530MB MPEG View Movie Nikon Microscopy U
Two vorticellas gather food, using their cilia to sweep particles into their mouth openings; under phase contrast illumination at a magnification of 400x
Vorticella 8.550MB MPEG View Movie Nikon Microscopy U
A small group of vorticellas, part a cluster attached to an aquatic plant, coil in response to an unseen stimulus; under oblique illumination
Vorticella 0.000MB MPEG View Movie Nikon Microscopy U
A cluster of vorticellas simultaneously emerge from their coiled state, secured to an attachment site; under oblique illumination
Peranema Streaming RAM View Movie Cytographics
Peranema is a colourless euglenid, devoid of chloroplasts. It feeds on other algae, catching them and sucking out their cytoplasm. Here we see one sucking out the contents out of captured green cells.
Volvox Streaming RAM View Movie Cytographics
Reproduction in Volvox: Spherical colonies of Volvox perform a remarkable feat - they turn themselves inside out!
Zooplankton 9.450MB MOV View Movie
Zooplankton at Race Rocks
Ciliophora 7.030MB MOV View Movie BioMedia
Ciliate Diversity
Acanthocystis 5.010MB MPEG View Movie Molecular Expressions
A specimen of Acanthocystis floats quietly, then scampers off to an unknown destination; under phase contrast illumination at a magnification of 100x
Actinophrys 15.540MB MPEG View Movie Molecular Expressions
An actinophrys explores its world with gently waving axopodia; under phase contrast illumination at a magnification of 200x
Actinophrys 15.880MB MPEG View Movie Molecular Expressions
An actinophrys attempts to engulf a captured food item as it floats slowly across the microscope field; under darkfield illumination at a magnification of 200x
Actinophrys 9.770MB MPEG View Movie Molecular Expressions
An actinophrys engulfs a morsal of food; under phase contrast illumination at a magnification of 200x
Amoeba 20.440MB MPEG View Movie Molecular Expressions
A shape-shifting amoeba looks like it's filled with confetti as it slides across the microscope field; under darkfield illumination at a magnification of 400x
Amoeba 19.310MB MPEG View Movie Molecular Expressions
An amoeba engulfs a food item in a process called phagocytosis; under phase contrast illumination at a magnification of 400x
Amoeba 10.590MB MPEG View Movie Molecular Expressions
Pseudopodia, or false feet, extend and retract as this amoeba moves across the microscope field; under phase contrast illumination at a magnification of 100x
Amoeba 11.050MB MPEG View Movie Molecular Expressions
An amoeba extends its pseudopodia like tentacles as it moves through the water; under darkfield illumination at a magnification of 200x
Amoeba 9.190MB MPEG View Movie Molecular Expressions
The jellylike cytoplasm of this amoeba can be observed as it flows through the organism; under darkfield illumination at a magnification of 400x
Amoeba 20.950MB MPEG View Movie Molecular Expressions
Streaming pseudopodia fill the microscope field as this amoeba travels through a busy microscopic environment; under phase contrast illumination at a magnification of 400x
Bursaria 7.600MB MPEG View Movie Molecular Expressions
Cilia lining the mouth opening of a bursaria can be seen sweeping and sifting for particles of food; under darkfield illumination at a magnification of 100x
Bursaria 9.270MB MPEG View Movie Molecular Expressions
A dorsal (top) view of a translucent bursaria with its large mouth opening and food vacuoles easily discernible; under darkfield illumination at a magnification of 100x
Bursaria 47.320MB MPEG View Movie Molecular Expressions
A ventral (underside) view of a tumbling bursaria, cilia lining its mouth opening sweep and sift for particles of food; under darkfield illumination at a magnification of 100x
Bursaria 19.990MB MPEG View Movie Molecular Expressions
A bursaria propels itself through pondwater; under oblique illumination at a magnification of 100x
Bursaria 20.840MB MPEG View Movie Molecular Expressions
The motion of its surface cilia is barely detectable as this bursaria slowly glides through the water; under oblique illumination at a magnification of 100x
Bursaria 30.540MB MPEG View Movie Molecular Expressions
A close-up view of a bursaria and its tiny beating cilia, barely noticeable, covering the surface of the organism; under phase contrast illumination at a magnification of 200x
Coleps 14.450MB MPEG View Movie Molecular Expressions
A coleps discovers a dead, partially eaten microorganism and gorges itself; under darkfield illumination at a magnification of 400x
Coleps 6.780MB MPEG View Movie Molecular Expressions
The protective, calcareous plates that cover Coleps are visible as this organism swims in slow revolutions; under darkfield illumination at a magnification of 200x
Coleps 7.290MB MPEG View Movie Molecular Expressions
A coleps swims through pond water, slowly revolving; under darkfield illumination at a magnification of 200x
Coleps 22.560MB MPEG View Movie Molecular Expressions
A longer version of Video No. 1, this shows the unique feeding style of Coleps as it revolves to bore out chunks of its prey; under darkfield illumination at a magnification of 400x
Didinium 8.880MB MPEG View Movie Molecular Expressions
A ring of beating cilia surround the oral cavity of a didinium laying in wait for its next meal of Paramecium; under phase contrast illumination at a magnification of 200x
Dileptus 24.460MB MPEG View Movie Molecular Expressions
A fringe of beating cilia surrounding this dileptus can be seen as it moves across the microscope field; under darkfield illumination at a magnification of 200x
Dileptus 14.450MB MPEG View Movie Molecular Expressions
A dileptus stretches a fingerlike projection and uses a side to side motion to move through the water; under darkfield illumination at a magnification of 200x
Dileptus 25.780MB MPEG View Movie Molecular Expressions
A dileptus undulates gracefully through the water in its search for food; under darkfield illumination at a magnification of 200x
Epistylis 9.080MB MPEG View Movie Molecular Expressions
A colony of Epistylis attached to detritus; under darkfield illumination at a magnification of 100x
Epistylis 7.560MB MPEG View Movie Molecular Expressions
An epistylis filter feeding; under phase contrast illumination at a magnification of 400x
Epistylis 11.990MB MPEG View Movie Molecular Expressions
A colony of Epistylis attached to underwater vegetation; under darkfield illumination at a magnification of 100x
Epistylis 4.750MB MPEG View Movie Molecular Expressions
An epistylis filter feeding; under phase contrast illumination at a magnification of 400x