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  Gibbon and Siamang Mousepads and Gifts

There are 7 gift matches for 'Gibbon and Siamang'.
Gibbon Mousepad
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White Faced Gibbon Mousepad
White Faced Gibbon
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Gibbon Mousepad
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White-handed Gibbon Mousepad
White-handed Gibbon
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White-handed Gibbon Mousepad
White-handed Gibbon
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White-handed Gibbon Mousepad
White-handed Gibbon
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Gibbon Mousepad
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More About Gibbons and Siamangs ...
Gibbons are small apes that are traditionally grouped in the genus Hylobates, and they are further divided into four subgenera based on their diploid chromosome number: Hylobates (44), Bunopithecus (38), Nomascus (52), and Symphalangus (50). They make up the entirety of the family Hylobatidae.

The Gibbons are also called lesser apes, and differ from great apes (chimpanzees, gorillas, orangutans and humans) in being smaller, generally monogamous, in not making nests, and in certain anatomical details in which they more closely resemble monkeys than the great apes do. They occur in tropical and subtropical rainforests from northeast India to Indonesia and north to southern China. Gibbons are masters of their primary mode of locomotion, brachiation, allowing them to swing from branch to branch distances of up to 50 feet, at speeds as much as 35 mph. Strongly territorial, they defend their boundaries with vigorous visual and vocal displays. The vocal element, which can often be heard for long distances, consists of a duet between the mated pair, the young animals sometimes joining in. This eerie song can make them an easy find for poachers who engage in the illegal wildlife trade and sales of body parts for use in traditional medicine. Most species are threatened or endangered, and the most important reason is degradation or loss of their forest habitat.

The species include the Siamang, the Lar Gibbon or White-Handed Gibbon, and the Hoolock Gibbon. The Siamang, which is the largest, is distinguished by having two digits on each side stuck together, hence the subgenus and species names Synphalangus and syndactylus.
Source: Wikipedia Read more about Gibbons and Siamangs

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