Black-eared Kite 0.060MB WAV Hear Sound Hong Kong Birdwatching society
Black-eared Kite
Black Kite Streaming RAM Hear Sound ABC Archives and Library Services
Black Kite call
Black-Breasted Kite Streaming RAM Hear Sound ABC Archives and Library Services
Black-Breasted Kite
Black-Shouldered Kite Streaming RAM Hear Sound ABC Archives and Library Services
Black-Shouldered Kite
Whistling Kite Streaming RAM Hear Sound ABC Archives and Library Services
Whistling Kite
White-tailed Kite 0.080MB WAV Hear Sound
Pair of breeding adults
White-tailed Kite 0.040MB WAV Hear Sound
Whistle-Croak call of the kite
Black Kite 0.020MB MP3 Hear Sound
Black Kite sound
Red Kite 0.010MB MP3 Hear Sound
Red Kite sound
Black Kite 0.020MB RA Hear Sound
Black Kite call
Red Kite 0.070MB WAV Hear Sound Välenområdet
Red Kite call
Snail Kite Streaming RAM Hear Sound Cornell Lab of Ornithology
Sound recordings with scientific data. To view spectrograms, follow this link
Swallow-tailed Kite Streaming RAM Hear Sound Cornell Lab of Ornithology
Sound recordings with scientific data. To view spectrograms, follow this link