Porcupine 0.060MB WAV Hear Sound Southwest Wildlife Rehabilitation & Educational Foundation
Domestic Cat 0.030MB WAV Hear Sound Purrinlot
Kittens crying
Bison 0.040MB WAV Hear Sound The Dragonfly Pond
Leopard 0.040MB WAV Hear Sound Purrinlot
Jaguar 0.040MB WAV Hear Sound Purrinlot
Elephant 0.100MB WAV Hear Sound Oakland Zoo
Elephant sounds
Lion 0.020MB WAV Hear Sound Oakland zoo
Roar of a lion
Cat 0.080MB WAV Hear Sound
Cat fighting sound
Black Lion Tamarin 0.010MB AU Hear Sound The Wild Ones
Sound of a Lion Tamarin
Prairie Dog 0.020MB WAV Hear Sound The Dragonfly Pond
Sound of a Prairie Dog
Lion 0.030MB WAV Hear Sound Purrinlot
Red ruffed lemur 0.280MB AU Hear Sound The Wild Ones
Sound of redruffed lemur, long call/Roar
Cheetah 0.030MB WAV Hear Sound Zoobrooks Magazine
Cheetah sound
Bear 0.160MB WAV Hear Sound signs of spring
Bear growl
Bear 0.200MB WAV Hear Sound Signs of spring
Bear cub in distress
Whale 0.140MB AU Hear Sound Acoustical Society of America
Whale Cry
Humpback Whale 0.060MB AU Hear Sound iBiblio - the public's library and digital archive
Humpback whale cry
Humpback Whale 0.140MB AU Hear Sound iBiblio - the public's library and digital archive
Humpback whale long cry
Humpback Whale 0.550MB AU Hear Sound iBiblio - the public's library and digital archive
Humpback whale song
Humpback Whale 0.080MB AU Hear Sound iBiblio - the public's library and digital archive
Humpback whale trumpet
Humpback Whale 0.220MB MOV Hear Sound Lawrence Hall of Science, Univ. of California, Ber
Sperm Whale song
Killer Whale 0.210MB MOV Hear Sound Lawrence Hall of Science, Univ. of California, Ber
Interesting audio. Hear a killer whale song
Killer Whale 0.950MB MP3 Hear Sound Ultimate Guide: Dolphins
This is a small pod of killer whales, including a calf.
Dolphin 0.170MB WAV Hear Sound Scholastic
Dolphin sonar clicks
Sea Lion 0.120MB WAV Hear Sound University of Aberdeen Zoology Museum
Sea lion sound
Mastiff bat 0.180MB WAV Hear Sound University of Aberdeen Zoology Museum
Mastiff bat sound
Dolphin 0.180MB AIF Hear Sound Pelotes Island Nature Preserve
Raccoon 0.060MB AU Hear Sound Pelotes Island Nature Preserve
Black Bear 0.050MB WAV Hear Sound Animal Tracks of Humboldt County
Bear Roar
Black Bear 0.050MB WAV Hear Sound Humboldt Redwoods State Park - Plants and Animals
Black Bear
Gibbon 1.670MB WAV Hear Sound International Primate Protection League
Gibbon Song
Gibbon 1.300MB WAV Hear Sound International Primate Protection League
Gibbon Song
Coyote 0.050MB .AU Hear Sound Animal Tracks of Humboldt County
Coyot e Howl
Coyote 0.060MB AU Hear Sound Alvarado Elementary, Union City, CA
Nice Long Howl
African Wild Dog 0.130MB AIFF Hear Sound Honolulu Zoo
African Wild Dog
Colobus Monkey 0.100MB AIFF Hear Sound Honolulu Zoo
Colobus Monkey