Porcupine 0.060MB WAV Hear Sound Southwest Wildlife Rehabilitation & Educational Foundation
Prairie Dog 0.020MB WAV Hear Sound The Dragonfly Pond
Sound of a Prairie Dog
Grey Squirrel 0.070MB WAV Hear Sound The Longpoint schoolhouse
Grey Squirrel Sounds
Groundhog 0.080MB WAV Hear Sound The Longpoint schoolhouse
Ground Hog Call
Beaver 0.090MB WAV Hear Sound Rouge River Valley
Beaver Slapping Tail Audio Clip
Beaver 0.140MB WAV Hear Sound Rouge River Valley
Beaver Chewing Audio Clip
Chipmunk 0.050MB WAV Hear Sound Rouge River Valley
Chipmunk Audio Clip
Agouti 0.070MB WAV Hear Sound
Agouti eating a nut
Chipmunk 0.050MB WAV Hear Sound
Harris's Antelope Squirrel 0.120MB WAV Hear Sound
Springtime trill of Harris's Antelope Squirrels
Harris's Antelope Squirrel 0.160MB MP3 Hear Sound
A young Harris's Antelope Squirrel
Rock squirrel 0.120MB WAV Hear Sound
Rock Squirrel song
Gunnison's Prairie Dog 0.300MB WAV Hear Sound
Gunnison's Prairie Dogs use this call when they see a domestic dog
Beaver 0.140MB WAV Hear Sound
Sound of beavers eating water lily stems
Squirrel Streaming RAM Hear Sound ThinkQuest
The squirrel produces loud harsh chuckles. Another common call is a bird-like "cheep" repeated raidly and rhythmically for long periods of time with a flick of the tail at every note.
American Beaver Streaming RAM Hear Sound NatureSound Studio
Various beaver sounds including vocalizations, gnawing, tail slapping, etc.
Beaver 0.080MB WAV Hear Sound The Longpoint schoolhouse
Beaver Sounds
Gunnison's Prairie Dog 0.260MB WAV Hear Sound
Gunnison's Prairie Dogs use this call when they see a human
Black-Capped Marmot 0.000MB AIFF Hear Sound The Marmot Burrow
Black-Capped Marmot Alarm Call. "Black-capped marmots have at least one alarm call, this one was recorded from the Kamtschatica Penninsula by T. Lisitzina and Alexander Nikolskii".
Alpine Marmot 0.040MB AIFF Hear Sound The Marmot Burrow
Alpine Marmot Whistle "Alpine marmots have two different alarm calls. They commonly whistle and occasionally produce a descending whistle. The more common whistle tends to be repeated a variable number of times and is associated with the degree of risk a caller experiences".
Groundhog 0.090MB AIFF Hear Sound The Marmot Burrow
A call from a captive woodchuck or groundhog. "They rarely alarm call but their two loud calls probably function to warn dependent offspring".
Black-Tailed Prairie Dog 0.110MB RA Hear Sound Sedgwick County Zoo
Gunnison's Prairie Dog 0.240MB WAV Hear Sound
Gunnison's Prairie Dogs use this call when they see a hawk
Beaver 0.090MB WAV Hear Sound
Sound of beavers slapping their tails on the water's surface to alert other beavers of danger
Prairie Dog 0.020MB MOV Hear Sound Desert USA
Prairie Dog vocalization
Tree Squirrel 0.070MB WAV Hear Sound Environmental Program - Antonio Silveira Ribeiro dos Santos
Tree Squirrel sound clip
Agouti 0.080MB WAV Hear Sound The Belize Zoo
Agouti Growl
Altai Marmot 0.060MB AIFF Hear Sound The Marmot Burrow
Altai Marmot alarm call
Steppe Marmot 0.010MB AIFF Hear Sound The Marmot Burrow
Steppe Marmot Alarm Call
Golden Marmot 0.020MB AIFF Hear Sound The Marmot Burrow
Golden Marmot - 5-note Alarm Call
Golden Marmot 0.020MB AIFF Hear Sound The Marmot Burrow
Golden Marmot Alarm Call
Alpine Marmot 0.010MB AIFF Hear Sound The Marmot Burrow
Alpine Marmot descending whistle
Menzbier's marmot 0.010MB AIFF Hear Sound The Marmot Burrow
Menzbier's marmot single alarm call
Mongolian Marmot 0.000MB AIFF Hear Sound The Marmot Burrow
Mongolian marmot single alarm call. "Tarvaga have a single alarm call, reminisent of their close relatives (M. bobac and M. babacina).
Brooks Range Marmot 0.030MB AIFF Hear Sound The Marmot Burrow
A call from a captive Brooks Range marmot
Hoary Marmot 0.000MB AIFF Hear Sound The Marmot Burrow
Hoary Marmot - ascending call