Common Loon 0.210MB WAV Hear Sound Gough, G.A., Sauer, J.R., Iliff, M. Patuxent Bird Identification Infocenter. 1998. Version 97.1. Patuxent Wildlife Research Center, Laurel, MD
Common Loon Song
Common Loon 0.090MB WAV Hear Sound The Longpoint schoolhouse
Common Loon Call
Red-throated Loon 0.160MB AU Hear Sound The Longpoint schoolhouse
Red-throated Loon Call
Common Loon 0.120MB AU Hear Sound Tony Phillips: Songs and calls of some New York State birds
Alarm Call
Common Loon 0.040MB AU Hear Sound Tony Phillips: Songs and calls of some New York State birds
Alarm Call*
Common Loon 0.020MB AU Hear Sound Tony Phillips: Songs and calls of some New York State birds
Short hoot
Common Loon 0.060MB AU Hear Sound Tony Phillips: Songs and calls of some New York State birds
Sound of a loon diving
Black-Browed Albatross Streaming RAM Hear Sound ABC Archives and Library Services
Black-Browed Albatross
Grey-Headed Albatross Streaming RAM Hear Sound ABC Archives and Library Services
Grey-Headed Albatross
Grey-Mantled Albatross Streaming RAM Hear Sound ABC Archives and Library Services
Grey-Mantled Albatross
Wandering Albatross Streaming RAM Hear Sound ABC Archives and Library Services
Wandering Albatross
Shy Albatross Streaming RAM Hear Sound ABC Archives and Library Services
Shy Albatross
Antarctic Petrel Streaming RAM Hear Sound ABC Archives and Library Services
Antarctic Petrel
Black Winged Petrel Streaming RAM Hear Sound ABC Archives and Library Services
Black Winged Petrel
Southern Giant Petrel Streaming RAM Hear Sound ABC Archives and Library Services
Southern Giant Petrel
Loon 0.040MB WAV Hear Sound JungleWalk
Northern Royal Albatross 0.040MB MP3 Hear Sound Kiwi Wildlife Tours
Northern Royal Albatross
Southern Royal Albatross 0.040MB MP3 Hear Sound Kiwi Wildlife Tours
Southern Royal Albatross
Westland Black Petrel 0.030MB MP3 Hear Sound Kiwi Wildlife Tours
Westland Black Petrel
Common Loon Streaming RAM Hear Sound NatureSound Studio
Long sample of Common Loon vocalizations
Storm Petrel Streaming RAM Hear Sound NatureSound Studio
Otherworldly sounds of night-active storm-petrels
Arctic Loon 0.020MB MP3 Hear Sound
Arctic Loon sound
Red-throated Loon 0.020MB MP3 Hear Sound
Red-throated Loon sound
Common Loon 0.030MB MP3 Hear Sound
Common Loon sound
Giant petrel 0.130MB MP3 Hear Sound Antarctica 2007
Giant petrel
Leach's Storm-Petrel 0.030MB WAV Hear Sound Audbon - Project Puffin
Leach's Storm-petrel's calls made at night
Swinhoe's Storm Petrel 0.340MB WAV Hear Sound Biological Reasearch Information Center - Korea
Swinhoe's Storm Petrel
Red-Throated Loon 0.050MB WAV Hear Sound Bird Population in Taivalkoski
Red-Throated Loon audio clip
Loon 0.090MB WAV Hear Sound Wellness Directory of Minnesota
Loon call
Red-Throated Loon 0.160MB AU Hear Sound Minnesota's Pine to Prairie Birding Trail
Red-Throated Loon call
Common Loon 0.100MB WAV Hear Sound Minnesota's Pine to Prairie Birding Trail
Common Loon call
Common Loon 0.110MB WAV Hear Sound Journey North
Loon's hoot
Common Loon 0.210MB WAV Hear Sound Journey North
Loon's wail
Common Loon 0.120MB WAV Hear Sound Journey North
Loon's Tremolo
Common Loon 0.110MB WAV Hear Sound Journey North
Loon's Yodel
Red-throated Loon 0.130MB WAV Hear Sound Välenområdet
Red-throated Loon call