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Spider Monkey Global Cuts
In the forests of the Amazon are found more species of primates than anywhere on Earth. However, there are no apes (tail-less primates). This collection of Amazon wildlife footage brings you the following monkeys, in order of appearance; Saki Monkey, Black Mantle Tamarin, Saddle Back Tamarin, Pigmy Mamoset, Dusky Titi, Common Whooly Monkey and Spider Monkey. The Amazon Monkey footage is shot with a 3CCD DVCAM camcorder and is supplied in flattened QuickTime format. It is shot and captured in NTSC format dimensions, 720 x 486 pixels, at a frame rate of 30 fps. PAL version available. Keywords: Amazon Mammals, Amazon Wildlife, Amazon Wildlife Footage, Amazon Forrest Wildlife Stock Footage, Amazon Monkeys, Amazon Primates, Saki, Black Mantle Tamarin, Saddle Back Tamarin, Pigmy Mamoset, Dusky Titi, Common Whooly Monkey, Spider Monkey, Peru, South Amercia. Visit Site