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blue and green hummingbird hovering and landing on flower
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Jabiru Stork
0.000MB  MOV  View Movie
Getty Images
jabiru stork sitting in tree
If you don't see the relevant video below, please follow this link and search for 186-160 in the search screen.
0.000MB  MOV  View Movie
Getty Images
egret walking on branch flapping wings
If you don't see the relevant video below, please follow this link and search for 186-41 in the search screen.
0.000MB  MOV  View Movie
Getty Images
Condor landing near eagle
If you don't see the relevant video below, please follow this link and search for 156-102 in the search screen.
0.000MB  MOV  View Movie
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Condor soaring above landscape
If you don't see the relevant video below, please follow this link and search for 156-94 in the search screen.
0.000MB  MOV  View Movie
Getty Images
Eagle chasing condor away from carcass
If you don't see the relevant video below, please follow this link and search for 156-93 in the search screen.
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Getty Images
Eagle chasing condor away from carcass
If you don't see the relevant video below, please follow this link and search for 156-93 in the search screen.
Emperor Penguin
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Emperor penguin sliding across ice on stomach
If you don't see the relevant video below, please follow this link and search for 84-41 in the search screen.
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ostriches walking in field
If you don't see the relevant video below, please follow this link and search for 88-176 in the search screen.
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mallard ducks swimming thru water plants
If you don't see the relevant video below, please follow this link and search for 70-102 in the search screen.
Red-headed weaver
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male red-headed weaver in nest on tree branch
If you don't see the relevant video below, please follow this link and search for 8-47 in the search screen.
0.000MB  MOV  View Movie
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storks sitting in top of tree then taking off at sunset
If you don't see the relevant video below, please follow this link and search for 5-50 in the search screen.
Village Weaver
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village weaver sitting on nest in tree
If you don't see the relevant video below, please follow this link and search for 4-2 in the search screen.
Village Weaver
0.000MB  MOV  View Movie
Getty Images
village weaver sitting on nest in tree
If you don't see the relevant video below, please follow this link and search for 4-1 in the search screen.
Yellow-billed Stork
0.000MB  MOV  View Movie
Getty Images
Yellow-billed stork moving bill back + forth searching for food in shallow water
If you don't see the relevant video below, please follow this link and search for 2-7 in the search screen.
Friendly Bush-Warbler
WMV  View Movie
Vladimir Dinets - Rainy Season in Malaysia
Rare footage of display behavior
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Cornell Lab of Ornithology
Tapping for hidden insect larvae
American Redstart
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Cornell Lab of Ornithology
Tail flashing while foraging for insects.
American Robin
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Cornell Lab of Ornithology
Swallowing Cedar berries.
American Woodcock
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Cornell Lab of Ornithology
Probing into the soil for earthworms.
Black-billed Cuckoo
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Cornell Lab of Ornithology
Basking in the sunshine.
Chipping Sparrow
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Cornell Lab of Ornithology
Perching on a twig.
Common Yellowthroat
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Cornell Lab of Ornithology
Singing from the shrubs.
Eastern Towhee
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Cornell Lab of Ornithology
Flashing white tail spots.
Ivory Gull
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Cornell Lab of Ornithology
Walking on an iceberg.
King Eider
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Cornell Lab of Ornithology
Resting and preening.
Nashville Warbler
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Cornell Lab of Ornithology
Probing spring blossoms for small insects.
Northern Cardinal
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Cornell Lab of Ornithology
Chipping to its mate in a Hawaiian forest.
Red-headed Woodpecker
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Cornell Lab of Ornithology
Scaling a snag, searching for insect larvae.
Red-necked Phalarope
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Cornell Lab of Ornithology
Foraging along the waters surface.
Solitary Sandpiper
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Cornell Lab of Ornithology
Calling from it's nesting grounds.
Surf Scoter
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Cornell Lab of Ornithology
Displaying males and females in chase.
White-throated Sparrow
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Cornell Lab of Ornithology
Scratching through the leaf litter for invertebrates.
White-winged Scoter
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Cornell Lab of Ornithology
Swallowing a whole clam.
Yellow-rumped Warbler
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Cornell Lab of Ornithology
Preening after a bath.
Yellow Warbler
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Cornell Lab of Ornithology
Yellow Warbler capturing an insect
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