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  Grouse, Quail, and other groundbird Movies

There are 65 video clip matches for 'Grouse, Quail, and other groundbird'.
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1.090MB  MOV  View Movie
Feather Site - Barry Koffler
Old Crow, a pet turkey
Green peafowl
0.520MB  RM  View Movie
Yunnan Animal Museum
Green peafowl
Bobwhite Quail, Snake
1.060MB  MPG  View Movie
Tall Timbers Research Station
Quail hen puts up a great fight; unfortunately the snake is too big. After the fight the incubating bobwhite leaves the nest site, and the snake eats all the eggs.
Bobwhite Quail, Snake
0.610MB  MPG  View Movie
Tall Timbers Research Station
In this snake attack, the snake catches a quail as it flies from the nest. Look for the snake jumping up to catch the quail on the left side of the screen. The snake then falls behind the nest with the quail in its mouth. Eventually, the snake lets go of the hen and returns to the nest to eat the entire clutch of eggs.
Bobwhite Quail, Snake
0.550MB  MPG  View Movie
Tall Timbers Research Station
Quail hen fights and successfully runs off a small snake. Notice one egg is kicked out of the nest during the fight.
Bobwhite Quail, Snake
0.290MB  MPG  View Movie
Tall Timbers Research Station
This clip shows a Quail hen rolling an egg back into the nest pushed out during a fight with a snake.
Bobwhite Quail, Raccoon
0.840MB  MPG  View Movie
Tall Timbers Research Station
The raccoon comes from behind the nest and flushes the quail. Notice how the raccoon eats the eggs whole, leaving no eggshell fragments in the nest. The raccoon consumed all the eggs.
Bobwhite Quail, Raccoon
1.120MB  MPG  View Movie
Tall Timbers Research Station
The raccoon approaches the nest from the upper right corner; it comes around to the front of the nest and lunges for the quail. The quail flushes to the left side and circles just in front of the camera.
Bobwhite Quail, Armadillo
1.340MB  MPG  View Movie
Tall Timbers Research Station
Watch for the hen quail trying to defend her nest by getting on the back to attack the Armadillo. Unfortunately the armadillo wins the brawl and returns to eat the eggs.
Bobwhite Quail, Opossum
0.950MB  MPG  View Movie
Tall Timbers Research Station
In this video an opossum enters from the left side, catches, and kills the incubating bobwhite. The opossum comes back later that night and the next morning to eat the entire clutch of eggs. The clutch consisted of 24 bobwhite eggs.
Bobwhite Quail, Bobcat
0.420MB  MPG  View Movie
Tall Timbers Research Station
Prior to the start of this clip the bobcat attacks the hen, but she escapes. This clip shows the bobcat eating the eggs.
Bobwhite Quail, Owl
0.030MB  MPG  View Movie
Tall Timbers Research Station
The owl attempts to capture the hen on the nest, but the quail escapes from the owl. Amazingly the owl returns later to eat the eggs.
Bobwhite Quail, Fox Squirrel
0.580MB  MPG  View Movie
Tall Timbers Research Station
A fox squirrel is documented chasing a quail from her nest and eating the eggs.
Bobwhite Quail, Coyote
0.570MB  MPG  View Movie
Tall Timbers Research Station
In this clip a coyote returns to the nest site minutes after it caught the incubating bobwhite. The coyote killed the bobwhite just off the screen. It did not eat any eggs.
Bobwhite Quail
1.420MB  MPG  View Movie
Tall Timbers Research Station
An unmarked male quail with a young brood is recorded feeding by the video monitored nest of a radio-collared female.
Ducks and Turkey
0.150MB  WMV  View Movie
Honolulu Zoo
Ducks and Turkey Video
0.910MB  MOV  View Movie
Texas Agricultural Extension Service
Capturing wild turkeys for rerelease
Greater Prairie-Chicken
Streaming  RAM  View Movie
National Geographic - The Great Plains
Greater Prairie Chicken
Erckels Francolin
0.370MB  MPG  View Movie
Erckel's Francolin Walking
0.810MB  MOV  View Movie
Turkeys in a farm
0.000MB  MOV  View Movie
Why does the peacock have such a beautiful tail? Interesting Narrative
0.000MB  MOV  View Movie
Getty Images
wild turkey moving head behind farm fence
If you don't see the relevant video below, please follow this link and search for 719-88 in the search screen.
0.000MB  MOV  View Movie
Getty Images
Crowd of white turkeys
If you don't see the relevant video below, please follow this link and search for 306-136 in the search screen.
10.440MB  AVI  View Movie
Eastern Washington University - PT3 program
Petting Zoo turkeys clip (slow server)
Grey partridge
MOV  View Movie
Nice selection of Grey partridge video clips available in various formats
Chinese monal
MOV  View Movie
Nice selection of Chinese monal video clips available in various formats
Elliot’s pheasant
MOV  View Movie
Nice selection of Elliot’s pheasant video clips available in various formats
1.110MB  MOV  View Movie
Turkey strutting around barnyard
0.630MB  MOV  View Movie
Turkey strutting around barnyard
Black Grouse
0.730MB  MPG  View Movie
Bird Population in Taivalkoski
Black Grouse video clip
0.690MB  MPG  View Movie
Bird Population in Taivalkoski
Capercaillie video clip
Hazel Grouse
0.790MB  MPG  View Movie
Bird Population in Taivalkoski
Hazel Grouse video clip
Willow Grouse
0.510MB  MPG  View Movie
Bird Population in Taivalkoski
Willow Grouse video clip
Chinese Bamboo Partridge
1.480MB  MPG  View Movie
Jacob Hadomi Home Page
Partridge calling
Black-shouldered Peacock
0.530MB  MOV  View Movie
Peacock courting
White Peacock
0.890MB  MOV  View Movie
Peacock Running
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