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  Coral Movies

There are 33 video clip matches for 'Coral'.
Red Coral
Red Coral W/ Brain Coral.
Red Coral
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More About Corals ...
Corals are gastrovascular marine cnidarians (Phylum: Cnidaria; Class: Anthozoa) existing as small anemone-like polyps, typically forming colonies of many individuals. The group includes the important reef builders known as hermatypic corals, found in tropical oceans, and belonging to the Subclass: Zoantharia, Order: Scleractinia (formerly Madreporaria). The latter are also known as stony corals inasmuch as the living tissue thinly covers a skeleton composed of calcium carbonate. The hermatypic corals obtain much of their nutrient requirement from symbiotic unicellular algae called zooxanthellae, and so are dependent upon growing in sunlight. As a result, these corals are usually found not far beneath the surface, although in clear waters corals can grow at depths of 60 m (200 ft). Corals breed by spawning, with all corals of the same species in a region releasing gametes simultaneously over a period of one to several nights around a full moon.

There are several other types of corals, notably the octocorals (Subclass: Octocorallia) and corals classified in other orders of Subclass: Zoantharia: to wit, the black corals (Order: Antipatharia) and the soft corals (Order Zoanthinaria). Extinct corals include rugose corals and tabulate coral. These two groups went extinct at the end of the Paleozoic. Most other anthozoans would be treated under the common name of anemone.

Coral can be sensitive to environmental changes, and as a result are generally protected through environmental laws. A coral reef can easily be swamped in algae if there is too much nitrogen in the water. Coral will also die if the water temperature changes by more than a degree or two and becomes too hot or too cold or if the salinity of the water drops. In an early symptom of environmental stress, corals expel their zooxanthellae; without their symbiotic unicellular algae, coral tissues are colorless, revealing the white of their calcium carbonate skeletons, an event known as 'coral bleaching'.

Ancient coral reefs on land are often mined for limestone. An example of this is the quarrying of Portland limestone from the Isle of Portland.

Reddish coral is sometimes used as a gemstone especially in Tibet. Pure red coral is known as 'fire coral' and it is very rare because of the demand for perfect fire coral for jewellery-making purposes.
Source: Wikipedia Read more about Corals
9.160MB  MOV  View Movie
Tropical Marine Ecology Page (R. Hays Cummins, Miami University)
Note the very healthy Acropora palmata.
2.420MB  MOV  View Movie
Tropical Marine Ecology Page (R. Hays Cummins, Miami University)
Check out these beautiful, young Acropora palmata.
4.250MB  MOV  View Movie
Tropical Marine Ecology Page (R. Hays Cummins, Miami University)
A beginning coral tour at Gaulin Reef. The most extensive staghorn growth (A. cervicornis) was found at Gaulin.
10.950MB  MOV  View Movie
Tropical Marine Ecology Page (R. Hays Cummins, Miami University)
A Coral potpourri from Gaulin Reef in Grahams Harbor.
9.420MB  MOV  View Movie
Tropical Marine Ecology Page (R. Hays Cummins, Miami University)
Thickets of fire coral (A. cervicornis) "mesas".
25.780MB  MOV  View Movie
Tropical Marine Ecology Page (R. Hays Cummins, Miami University)
Potpourri of Snapshot Reef. What an absolutely beautiful place!
18.030MB  MOV  View Movie
Tropical Marine Ecology Page (R. Hays Cummins, Miami University)
Another focus on Coral and fish at Snapshot Reef on San Salvador, Bahamas.
12.110MB  MOV  View Movie
Tropical Marine Ecology Page (R. Hays Cummins, Miami University)
A "Video Tour" of Snapshot Reef, Bahamas.
Porcupine Fish
15.790MB  MOV  View Movie
Tropical Marine Ecology Page (R. Hays Cummins, Miami University)
A Coral Potpourri from Molasses Reef.
Oculina coral
4.460MB  MOV  View Movie
John Reed of the Harbor Branch Oceanographic Institution and one of the original scientists who worked at Oculina Banks in the 1970s, discusses the fragile nature of Oculina varicosa.
2.020MB  MOV  View Movie
In this video, Alvin ascends the steep west wall of Oceanographer Canyon, note the distribution of corals near the lip of the terraces.
Soft Pink Coral
19.350MB  MOV  View Movie
Pink soft coral and a close-up study of the defense mechanism
Soft Pink Coral
14.510MB  MOV  View Movie
Soft pink coral of Race Rocks
Bubble Coral
1.120MB  MOV  View Movie
Fisheye View Cam
Bubble Coral
Flower Coral
5.020MB  MOV  View Movie
Fisheye View Cam
Angulosa Opens and Closes
Blastamusa Coral
0.570MB  MOV  View Movie
Fisheye View Cam
Blastamusa Coral
Blastamusa Coral
2.130MB  MPG  View Movie
Fisheye View Cam
Blastamusa Coral
Bubble Coral
0.890MB  MOV  View Movie
Fisheye View Cam
Small Bubble Coral
Bubble Coral
0.670MB  MPG  View Movie
Fisheye View Cam
Small Bubble Coral
Sea Mat Coral
1.510MB  MPG  View Movie
Fisheye View Cam
Sea Mat Closes Up
Brain Coral
2.250MB  MOV  View Movie
Fisheye View Cam
White Open Brain Coral Feeds
Fungia Disc Coral
2.060MB  MOV  View Movie
Fisheye View Cam
Fungia Disc Coral in Current
Mushroom Coral
0.630MB  MOV  View Movie
Fisheye View Cam
Mushroom Coral
Xenia Coral
2.710MB  MOV  View Movie
Fisheye View Cam
Pulsing Xenia
Sunset cup coral
MOV  View Movie
Nice selection of Sunset cup coral video clips available in various formats
11.290MB  MOV  View Movie
Tropical Marine Ecology Page (R. Hays Cummins, Miami University)
A SCUBA overview of the huge Montastraea and Diploriaheads at French Reef.
3.170MB  MOV  View Movie
Tropical Marine Ecology Page (R. Hays Cummins, Miami University)
Gaulin Reef beauty and splendor. Amazing amounts of Staghorn coral.
Elkhorn Coral
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Seascape Video
Elkhorn Coral movide clip
Pillar Coral
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Seascape Video
Pillar Coral movide clip
1.180MB  MOV  View Movie
Tropical Marine Ecology Page (R. Hays Cummins, Miami University)
A close-up of Diploria at French Reef.
Deep Sea Coral
Streaming  RAM  View Movie
A video of a deep sea coral bioluminescing as it is agitated. This is light that is biologically produced by a light emitting molecule. Organisms do this for various reasons like attracting, advertising or even for the purpose of blinding the prey!
Scleractinian Coral
Streaming  RAM  View Movie
National Geographic
Scleractinian Coral
View Movie
National Geographic
Coral Reef Spawning
Photos on Canvas

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