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  Crustacean Movies

There are 19 video clip matches for 'Crustacean'.
Barnacle amid rocks
Source: NOAA
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Goose barnacle
Streaming  RAM  View Movie
BBC Nature: Wildfacts
Goose barnacle Video
9.880MB  MPEG  View Movie
Nikon Microscopy U
The pulsating intestine is easily viewed in this specimen and the heart can be seen fluttering (near the head, along the organism's "back" and just behind the intestine); under oblique illumination
17.930MB  MPEG  View Movie
Nikon Microscopy U
A daphnia waves its extended appendages to create currents for filter feeding -- the fluttering organ alongside its "back" is the heart
13.310MB  MPEG  View Movie
Nikon Microscopy U
An up close and personal look at this translucent crustacean shows the intimate details of its inner life; under darkfield illumination at a magnification of 200x
4.970MB  MPEG  View Movie
Nikon Microscopy U
A close-up of a translucent nauplius as it scampers across the microscope field; under darkfield illumination at a magnification of 200x
16.290MB  MPEG  View Movie
Nikon Microscopy U
Its single eyespot and three pairs of appendages are easy to see in this slow-swimming nauplius
Streaming  RM  View Movie
Bisexual Barnacles
Sand hopper
MOV  View Movie
Nice selection of Sand hopper video clips available in various formats
Freshwater white-clawed crayfish
MOV  View Movie
Nice selection of Freshwater white-clawed crayfish video clips available in various formats
Tadpole shrimp
MOV  View Movie
Nice selection of Tadpole shrimp video clips available in various formats
0.850MB  MPG  View Movie
Crayfish - Stoney Cove
5.420MB  MPEG  View Movie
Molecular Expressions
This transparent cladoceran reveals all as it rests quietly alongside pond vegetation; under darkfield illumination at a magnification of 400x
17.010MB  MPEG  View Movie
Molecular Expressions
A cyclops copepod takes a leisurely swim across the microscope field; under darkfield illumination at a magnification of 100x
Seed Shrimp
9.890MB  MPEG  View Movie
Molecular Expressions
A transparent shell shows all in this close-up view of a resting seed shrimp; under oblique illumination at a magnification of 400x
Seed Shrimp
14.780MB  MPEG  View Movie
Molecular Expressions
A resting seed shrimp extends its claws and moves itself around in a circle; under oblique illumination at a magnification of 400x
Acorn Barnacle
6.530MB  MPG  View Movie
Marine Life of the Northeast Pacific Ocean
Shows the motion of an acorn barnacle feeding.
Acorn Barnacle
1.560MB  MPG  View Movie
Marine Life of the Northeast Pacific Ocean
Shows the motion of an acorn barnacle feeding.
9.830MB  MPG  View Movie
Marine Life of the Northeast Pacific Ocean
Diver swimming though clouds of small amphipods.
0.770MB  MOV  View Movie
Barnacle feeding
Photos on Canvas

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