Amoeba Streaming RM View Movie Olympus Microscopy Resource Center
A shape-shifting amoeba looks like it's filled with confetti as it slides across the microscope field; under darkfield illumination at a magnification of 400x.
Amoeba 10.500MB AVI View Movie Olympus Microscopy Resource Center
A shape-shifting amoeba looks like it's filled with confetti as it slides across the microscope field; under darkfield illumination at a magnification of 400x.
Euglena Rostrifera 37.520MB AVI View Movie Olympus Microscopy Resource Center
Euglena rostrifera under darkfield illumination at a magnification of 400x
Euglena Rostrifera Streaming RM View Movie Olympus Microscopy Resource Center
Euglena rostrifera under darkfield illumination at a magnification of 400x
Chaetonotus 17.690MB MPEG View Movie Nikon Microscopy U
A chaetonotus swims into a tangle of pond debris under phase contrast illumination at a magnification of 60x
Chaetonotus 18.400MB MPEG View Movie Nikon Microscopy U
A gastrotrich swims through vegetation and debris in search of food; under darkfield illumination at a magnification of 600x
Actinophrys 16.030MB MPEG View Movie Nikon Microscopy U
An actinophrys explores its world with gently waving axopodia; under phase contrast illumination at a magnification of 200x
Actinophrys 9.890MB MPEG View Movie Nikon Microscopy U
An actinophrys engulfs a morsel of food; under phase contrast illumination at a magnification of 200x
Amoeba 18.470MB MPEG View Movie Nikon Microscopy U
An amoeba engulfs a food item in a process called phagocytosis; under phase contrast illumination at a magnification of 400x
Amoeba 0.000MB MPEG View Movie Nikon Microscopy U
Pseudopodia, or false feet, extend and retract as this amoeba moves across the microscope field; under phase contrast illumination at a magnification of 100x
Bursaria 19.270MB MPEG View Movie Nikon Microscopy U
A bursaria propels itself through pondwater; under oblique illumination
Bursaria 29.780MB MPEG View Movie Nikon Microscopy U
A close-up view of a bursaria and its tiny beating cilia, barely noticeable, covering the surface of the organism; under phase contrast illumination
Bursaria 20.040MB MPEG View Movie Nikon Microscopy U
The rhythmic beating of its surface cilia is just noticeable as this bursaria slowly glides through the water; under oblique illumination
Coleps 14.360MB MPEG View Movie Nikon Microscopy U
A coleps discovers a dead, partially eaten microorganism and gorges itself; under darkfield illumination at a magnification of 400x
Coleps 5.360MB MPEG View Movie Nikon Microscopy U
A coleps swims in its characteristic spiral across the microscope field, its surface covered by rhythmically beating cilia; under DIC illumination
Euglena rostrifera 37.070MB MPEG View Movie Nikon Microscopy U
Rush hour on the Euglena express; under darkfield illumination at a magnification of 400x
Euplotes 13.460MB MPEG View Movie Nikon Microscopy U
An individual euplotes, its cirri and tactile cilia waving, along with other microorganisms; under phase contrast illumination at a magnification of 200x
Euplotes 13.800MB MPEG View Movie Nikon Microscopy U
A close-up view of a euplotes shows the band of cirri that it uses for locomotion; under phase contrast illumination at a magnification of 400x
Loxophyllum 20.580MB MPEG View Movie Nikon Microscopy U
A group of loxophyllum organisms mix and mingle with other protozoans amidst clumps of pond debris; under phase contrast illumination at a magnification of 200x
Metopus 0.000MB MPEG View Movie Nikon Microscopy U
A metopus, ringed by a spiral fringe of beating cilia, exhibits its tumbling swimming style; under darkfield illumination at a magnification of 400x
Paramecium 12.390MB MPEG View Movie Nikon Microscopy U
An up close and personal look at the internal workings of a paramecium; under darkfield illumination at a magnification of 400x
Paramecium 13.700MB MPEG View Movie Nikon Microscopy U
A group of swimming paramecia, looking more like a bunch of bumper cars as they collide and rebound off of one another; under oblique illumination
Paramecium 29.770MB MPEG View Movie Nikon Microscopy U
The ripples of motion seen surrounding this paramecium are from beating cilia that cover the exterior of the organism; under phase contrast illumination
Paramecium 21.080MB MPEG View Movie Nikon Microscopy U
Two paramecia are joined, probably undergoing conjugation, a process of exchanging nuclear materials; under phase contrast illumination
Peranema 17.270MB MPEG View Movie Nikon Microscopy U
A peranema swims across the microscope field, flicking the tip of its flagellum and compressing its body; under phase contrast illumination at a magnification of 100x
Peranema 8.310MB MPEG View Movie Nikon Microscopy U
A peranema folds its body in a tumbling motion, turning and searching for food; under darkfield illumination at a magnification of 400x
Peranema 11.850MB MPEG View Movie Nikon Microscopy U
A swimming peranema encounters a large chunk of pond debris and is forced to change direction; under darkfield illumination at a magnification of 400x
Spirostomum 20.190MB MPEG View Movie Nikon Microscopy U
A slow-moving spirostomum provides an opportunity to observe the dense layer of beating cilia along its periphery; under phase contrast at a magnification of 200x
Spirostomum 15.830MB MPEG View Movie Nikon Microscopy U
A Spirostomum organism revolves slowly as it swims, its dense covering of cilia creating the appearance of spiral bands; under phase contrast at a magnification of 200x
Stentor 0.000MB MPEG View Movie Nikon Microscopy U
A stentor juggles an amoeba; under phase contrast illumination at a magnification of 100x
Stentor 42.430MB MPEG View Movie Nikon Microscopy U
An overview along the length of a feeding stentor shows the beating cilia that cover its outer membrane and how it attaches itself to pond debris; under phase contrast illumination at a magnification of 100x
Stentor 4.840MB MPEG View Movie Nikon Microscopy U
Small organisms or particles are tossed about by the currents created by the beating cilia of a feeding Stentor; under phase contrast illumination at a magnification of 100x
Stentor 12.330MB MPEG View Movie Nikon Microscopy U
A stentor emerges from its hiding place and begins to feed; under phase contrast illumination at a magnification of 100x
Urocentrum 6.920MB MPEG View Movie Nikon Microscopy U
A pair of fused cilia are visible at the posterior end of this specimen of Urocentrum, towards the right of the microscope field; under phase contrast illumination at a magnification of 600x
Urocentrum 16.900MB MPEG View Movie Nikon Microscopy U
A Urocentrum organism twists in its characteristic movement as other microorganisms swim by; under phase contrast illumination at a magnification of 200x
Volvox 10.450MB MPEG View Movie Nikon Microscopy U
A Volvox colony with daughter colonies; under oblique illumination