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Scarlet Macaw
1.380MB  MOV  View Movie
Tropical Ecosystems of Costa Rica and Panama (R. Hays Cummins, Miami University)
Scarlet Macaws (Ara macao) fly along the coast in Corcovado National Park.
Scrawled Cow Fish
8.980MB  MOV  View Movie
Tropical Marine Ecology Page (R. Hays Cummins, Miami University)
A beautiful and spectacular Scrawled Cow Fish (Family Ostraciidae-Acanthostracion quadricornis).
Scrawled Filefish
2.130MB  MOV  View Movie
Tropical Marine Ecology Page (R. Hays Cummins, Miami University)
Scrawled Filefish (Aluterus scriptus) make their appearance on Molasses Reef. Note the Great Barracuda (Sphyraena barracuda) in the background.
Scrawled Filefish
3.440MB  MOV  View Movie
Tropical Marine Ecology Page (R. Hays Cummins, Miami University)
Scrawled Filefish (Aluterus scriptus) perspective as a school of Sargeant Majors (Abudefduf saxatilis) swims by.
Scrawled Filefish
0.950MB  MOV  View Movie
Tropical Marine Ecology Page (R. Hays Cummins, Miami University)
Two Scrawled FileFish
Scrawled Filefish
4.570MB  MOV  View Movie
Tropical Marine Ecology Page (R. Hays Cummins, Miami University)
Schoolmasters (Lutjanus apodus) and a Scrawled Filefish (Aluterus scriptus) at Molasses Reef.
8.440MB  MOV  View Movie
Tropical Marine Ecology Page (R. Hays Cummins, Miami University)
A Nurse Shark (Ginglymostoma cirratum) seeks shelter beneath coral heads on Molasses Reef.
0.690MB  MOV  View Movie
Sheep jumping (humor)
Three-toed Sloth
33.570MB  MOV  View Movie
Tropical Ecosystems of Costa Rica and Panama (R. Hays Cummins, Miami University)
A three-toed sloth (Bradypus variegatus) in the mangroves along the Sierpe River in SW Costa Rica.
Two-toed Sloth
5.960MB  MOV  View Movie
Tropical Ecosystems of Costa Rica and Panama (R. Hays Cummins, Miami University)
A two-toed sloth (Choloepus hoffmanni) on his way down the trunk of a roadside Cecropia near Arenal Volcano. Note the green algal tint to its fur. - Part I
Two-toed Sloth
6.050MB  MOV  View Movie
Tropical Ecosystems of Costa Rica and Panama (R. Hays Cummins, Miami University)
A two-toed sloth (Choloepus hoffmanni) on his way down the trunk of a roadside Cecropia near Arenal Volcano. Note the green algal tint to its fur. - Part II
Two-toed Sloth
7.290MB  MOV  View Movie
Tropical Ecosystems of Costa Rica and Panama (R. Hays Cummins, Miami University)
A two-toed sloth (Choloepus hoffmanni) on his way down the trunk of a roadside Cecropia near Arenal Volcano. Note the green algal tint to its fur. - Part III
Two-toed Sloth
1.180MB  MOV  View Movie
Tropical Ecosystems of Costa Rica and Panama (R. Hays Cummins, Miami University)
A two-toed sloth (Choloepus hoffmanni) on his way down the trunk of a roadside Cecropia near Arenal Volcano. Note the green algal tint to its fur. - Part IV
2.940MB  MOV  View Movie
Tropical Ecosystems of Costa Rica and Panama (R. Hays Cummins, Miami University)
A distant sloth returns to his aerial perch after taking a trip to the ground to defecate along the Caribbean coast.
Three-toed sloth
11.300MB  MOV  View Movie
Tropical Ecosystems of Costa Rica and Panama (R. Hays Cummins, Miami University)
A brown throated three-toed sloth (Bradypus variegatus) in Corcovado.
Water Mocassin
16.580MB  MOV  View Movie
Tropical Ecosystems of Costa Rica and Panama (R. Hays Cummins, Miami University)
A large water moccassin (Agkistrodon piscivorus) in Jean Lafitte National Park.
Coral Snake
2.170MB  MOV  View Movie
Tropical Ecosystems of Costa Rica and Panama (R. Hays Cummins, Miami University)
Workers at Drake Bay near Corcovado National Park capture a small coral snake (Micrurus sp) to show to the class. It was released the next day.
Scarlet King Snake
14.550MB  MOV  View Movie
Tropical Ecosystems of Costa Rica and Panama (R. Hays Cummins, Miami University)
A harmless, beautiful Scarlet King snake (Lampropeltis triangulum) at Palo Verde National Park. The color pattern mimics coral snakes.
19.520MB  MOV  View Movie
Tropical Ecosystems of Costa Rica and Panama (R. Hays Cummins, Miami University)
A fer-de-lance (~75cm long) at Drake Bay Wilderness Resort.
17.430MB  MOV  View Movie
Tropical Ecosystems of Costa Rica and Panama (R. Hays Cummins, Miami University)
A fer-de-lance (~1.75m long) at Corcovado National Park along the San Pedrillo trail.
27.680MB  MOV  View Movie
Tropical Ecosystems of Costa Rica and Panama (R. Hays Cummins, Miami University)
A fer-de-lance in Corcovado.
Salmon-bellied Racer
12.210MB  MOV  View Movie
Tropical Ecosystems of Costa Rica and Panama (R. Hays Cummins, Miami University)
A harmless Colubrid (a Salmon-bellied racer - Mastigodryas melanolomus) along the trail in Corcovado near San Pedrillo.
Blunt-headed Snake
15.210MB  MOV  View Movie
Tropical Ecosystems of Costa Rica and Panama (R. Hays Cummins, Miami University)
A Imantodes cenchoa, the blunt headed snake, on the El Camino trail in Monteverde Preserve.
Salmon-bellied Racer
5.870MB  MOV  View Movie
Tropical Ecosystems of Costa Rica and Panama (R. Hays Cummins, Miami University)
A salmon-bellied racer - close-up of the head region.
Blue Runner
9.270MB  MOV  View Movie
Tropical Marine Ecology Page (R. Hays Cummins, Miami University)
A blue runner (Coluber constrictor) capturing a green anole (Anolis carolinensis) lizard.
Blue Runner
8.360MB  MOV  View Movie
Tropical Marine Ecology Page (R. Hays Cummins, Miami University)
A blue runner (Coluber constrictor) stalking a green anole (Anolis carolinensis) lizard.
Water Mocassin
10.860MB  MOV  View Movie
Tropical Marine Ecology Page (R. Hays Cummins, Miami University)
A small water moccasin (Agkistrodon piscivorus).
Sooty Robin
7.820MB  MOV  View Movie
Tropical Ecosystems of Costa Rica and Panama (R. Hays Cummins, Miami University)
At the Santa Elena Sky Walk outside of the Monteverde Preserve, a "Sooty Robin" (Turdus nigrescens) nest with two chicks.
Spider Monkey
30.910MB  MOV  View Movie
Tropical Ecosystems of Costa Rica and Panama (R. Hays Cummins, Miami University)
Spider Monkeys in Sirena Field Station in Corcovado. Many have youngsters with them.
Spider Monkey
6.200MB  MOV  View Movie
Tropical Ecosystems of Costa Rica and Panama (R. Hays Cummins, Miami University)
Spider Monkeys (Ateles geoffroyi) - This mother-baby team was spotted in Corcovado National Park in a secondary/primary forest transition.
Spider Monkey
1.840MB  MOV  View Movie
Tropical Ecosystems of Costa Rica and Panama (R. Hays Cummins, Miami University)
Spider Monkey (Ateles geoffroyi)
Spider Monkey
14.800MB  MOV  View Movie
Tropical Ecosystems of Costa Rica and Panama (R. Hays Cummins, Miami University)
Spider Monkeys (Ateles geoffroyi)
Spider Monkey
14.800MB  MOV  View Movie
Tropical Ecosystems of Costa Rica and Panama (R. Hays Cummins, Miami University)
Spider Monkeys (Ateles geoffroyi) - individuals move quickly and confidently through the forest canopy!.
Spider Monkey
12.410MB  MOV  View Movie
Tropical Ecosystems of Costa Rica and Panama (R. Hays Cummins, Miami University)
Spider Monkeys (Ateles geoffroyi) - sometimes the crown of a huge canopy tree is alive with primate splendor.
Spider Monkey
11.520MB  MOV  View Movie
Tropical Ecosystems of Costa Rica and Panama (R. Hays Cummins, Miami University)
A spider monkey mother moves with her offspring through the trees.
Spider Monkey
12.610MB  MOV  View Movie
Tropical Ecosystems of Costa Rica and Panama (R. Hays Cummins, Miami University)
A head-on view of a spider monkey mother and offspring.
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