Common Robin 0.230MB AU Hear Sound Humboldt Redwoods State Park - Plants and Animals
Common Robin
Robin 0.070MB WAV Hear Sound The Longpoint schoolhouse
Robin Song
American Robin 0.320MB WAV Hear Sound Rouge River Valley
""Its song consists of several phrases, rising and falling, and often prolonged. The notes are a tyeept tu-tut-tut".
Clay-colored Robin 0.080MB WAV Hear Sound
Clay-colored Robin sweet call
Clay-colored Robin 0.020MB WAV Hear Sound
Clay-colored Robin "Mono-Duet" - a double call in which the bird uses both syrinxes to make slightly different sounds
Pekin Robin 0.130MB WAV Hear Sound Hong Kong Birdwatching society
Pekin Robin
American Robin 0.060MB AU Hear Sound Tony Phillips: Songs and calls of some New York State birds
Robin 0.020MB WAV Hear Sound JungleWalk
Robin 0.020MB WAV Hear Sound JungleWalk
American Robin 0.140MB WAV Hear Sound
Gathering of American Robins
New Zealand Robin 0.030MB MP3 Hear Sound Kiwi Wildlife Tours
New Zealand Robin
Robin 0.060MB RA Hear Sound Western Palearctic Birdsounds
Robin Song
Robin 0.080MB RA Hear Sound Western Palearctic Birdsounds
Robin Alarm
Robin 0.040MB RA Hear Sound Western Palearctic Birdsounds
Robin Call of a juvenile
Robin 0.050MB RA Hear Sound Western Palearctic Birdsounds
American Robin Streaming RAM Hear Sound NatureSound Studio
American Robin sound sample
American Robin Streaming RAM Hear Sound NatureSound Studio
Active dawn chorus featuring American Robin and White-throated Sparrow
European Robin 0.010MB MP3 Hear Sound
European Robin sound
Robin 0.020MB WAV Hear Sound Animal Tracks of Humboldt County
Robin Song
Magpie robin 0.190MB WAV Hear Sound Yunnan Animal Museum
"Birds' chirping can be divided into 3 types including singing, crying and voice imitating. Singing normally is a continuous multisyllable melody uttered by the birds under the control of sex hormone. Some sorts of singing are quite melodious and agreeable".
American Robin 0.100MB MOV Hear Sound Music Center
American Robin song
Clay-colored Robin 0.120MB WAV Hear Sound
Clay-colored Robin call
Clay-colored Robin 0.070MB WAV Hear Sound
Clay-colored Robin call
American Robin 0.030MB RA Hear Sound The Virtual Birder
American Robin Song
American Robin 0.320MB WAV Hear Sound
An American Robin's spring song
Japanese Robin Streaming RAM Hear Sound Bird Listening Café - A collection of wildbird songs
Japanese Robin
Siberian Blue Robin Streaming RAM Hear Sound Bird Listening Café - A collection of wildbird songs
Siberian Blue Robin
American Robin Streaming RAM Hear Sound NatureSound Studio
Long sample of American Robin vocalizations
Indian Robin 0.100MB WAV Hear Sound
Indian Robin
Oriental Magpie Robin 0.190MB WAV Hear Sound
Oriental Magpie Robin
Clay-colored Robin 0.080MB WAV Hear Sound Gough, G.A., Sauer, J.R., Iliff, M. Patuxent Bird Identification Infocenter. 1998. Version 97.1. Patuxent Wildlife Research Center, Laurel, MD
Clay-colored Robin Call
Clay-colored Robin 0.380MB WAV Hear Sound
Clay-colored Robins harrass a pair of Spectacled Owls
American Robin 0.160MB AU Hear Sound Tony Phillips: Songs and calls of some New York State birds
American Robin 0.160MB AU Hear Sound Tony Phillips: Songs and calls of some New York State birds
Backyard recording
American Robin 0.060MB AU Hear Sound Tony Phillips: Songs and calls of some New York State birds
American Robin
Robin 0.060MB WAV Hear Sound JungleWalk