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  Insect Movies

There are 329 video clip matches for 'Insect'.
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8.440MB  MPG  View Movie
University of Alberta
Pupation of Mourning Cloak Larvae
5.040MB  MPG  View Movie
University of Alberta
Pupation of Mourning Cloak Butterfly
White-marked spider beetle
0.420MB  AVI  View Movie
Jarmo Holopainen - Digital Video Clips of Urban, Agricultural and Forest Pests and Beneficial Insect
Adult Beetle
0.580MB  AVI  View Movie
Jarmo Holopainen - Digital Video Clips of Urban, Agricultural and Forest Pests and Beneficial Insect
Adult Firebrat
Larder beetle
0.920MB  AVI  View Movie
Jarmo Holopainen - Digital Video Clips of Urban, Agricultural and Forest Pests and Beneficial Insect
Adult Beetle
Old House Borer
0.640MB  AVI  View Movie
Jarmo Holopainen - Digital Video Clips of Urban, Agricultural and Forest Pests and Beneficial Insect
larvae taken out of wood
0.680MB  AVI  View Movie
Jarmo Holopainen - Digital Video Clips of Urban, Agricultural and Forest Pests and Beneficial Insect
Crawling larva
Diamondback moth
0.470MB  AVI  View Movie
Jarmo Holopainen - Digital Video Clips of Urban, Agricultural and Forest Pests and Beneficial Insect
Larva feeding on turnip rape
Diamondback moth
0.580MB  AVI  View Movie
Jarmo Holopainen - Digital Video Clips of Urban, Agricultural and Forest Pests and Beneficial Insect
Larva feeding on cabbage
0.560MB  AVI  View Movie
Jarmo Holopainen - Digital Video Clips of Urban, Agricultural and Forest Pests and Beneficial Insect
Larvae of Thrips tabaci feeding on bean leaf
Pine sawfly
0.800MB  AVI  View Movie
Jarmo Holopainen - Digital Video Clips of Urban, Agricultural and Forest Pests and Beneficial Insect
Pine sawfly larva defending herself
Ichneumon wasp
1.140MB  AVI  View Movie
Jarmo Holopainen - Digital Video Clips of Urban, Agricultural and Forest Pests and Beneficial Insect
Ichneumon wasps are parasitoids of insect larvae
1.170MB  AVI  View Movie
Jarmo Holopainen - Digital Video Clips of Urban, Agricultural and Forest Pests and Beneficial Insect
Springtails use the unique structure (furcula) on the underside of the abdomen for jumping.
Hummingbird Moth
1.480MB  AVI  View Movie
Jörg Kolibri Homepage
The Hummingbird Hawk-Moth visiting flowers
Silkworm Moth
8.730MB  MPG  View Movie
University of California, Davis
olfaction in the silkworm moth, Bombyx mori
0.750MB  MOV  View Movie
Bees pollinating clover flowers
0.750MB  MOV  View Movie
Bees pollinating clover flowers
1.130MB  MOV  View Movie
Bees pollinating clover flowers
0.720MB  MOV  View Movie
Ladybugs mating on driftwood
0.460MB  MOV  View Movie
Ladybugs mating on driftwood
0.930MB  MOV  View Movie
Ladybugs mating on driftwood
Streaming  RPM  View Movie
Woodland Park Zoo
Clip of Butterfly; your browser may not be aware of the 'rpm' extension. You may have to copy URL and open the link in RealPlayer
Honey Bee
1.030MB  MPG  View Movie
Stage's Pond State Nature Preserve
Honey bee on a White Clover
Vapourer Moth
1.330MB  MOV  View Movie
Female vapourer moths may not be able to fly, but they are egg-laying machines. Watch a video clip of a vapourer moth at work creating the next generation
3.790MB  MOV  View Movie
Science Journal - Penn State
Stonefly Movie
2.160MB  MOV  View Movie
Science Journal - Penn State
Stonefly Movie
Stag Beetle
0.180MB  MPG  View Movie
Khao Yai National Park
A stag beetle clip
1.000MB  MOV  View Movie
Hastings Natural History Reservation
Time lapse of maggots decomposing a dead feral pig
Great Diving Beetle
1.450MB  AVI  View Movie
Offwell Woodland & Wildlife Trust
Note the piercing mouthparts as it tries to penetrate its prey, another Great Diving Beetle larva!
RM  View Movie
See how mosquitos feed on their victims.
85.640MB  MOV  View Movie
Tufts University
A very large movie (80 Mb) about bioluminescence
Tobacco Hornworm
1.120MB  MOV  View Movie
The Manduca Project - The Univesitry of Arizona
Egg Laying: The female lays her eggs on the underneath edge of a tobacco leaf. Egg laying occurs at dusk, so this video was shot in the dark. Note how many eggs are on the leaf.
Tobacco Hornworm
3.890MB  MOV  View Movie
The Manduca Project - The Univesitry of Arizona
Hatching: After embryonic development is complete, the larvae chews on the egg shell until it creates a large enough hole to squeeze through into the outside world.
Tobacco Hornworm
1.420MB  MOV  View Movie
The Manduca Project - The Univesitry of Arizona
Eclosion: This video shows a moth emerging from the pupal case. Note how waste materials are excreted and how the proboscis is extended.
Tobacco Hornworm
1.330MB  MOV  View Movie
The Manduca Project - The Univesitry of Arizona
Wing inflation: After eclosion, the moth pumps fluid from the abdomen into the wing to inflate it.
Plains Cupid Butterfly
1.830MB  MPEG  View Movie
Plains Cupid butterflies (Lycaenidae- Chilades pandava) mating. Takes a while to download. Might be better to save to disk first and play later.
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