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Red harvester ant
20.570MB  AVI  View Movie
Texas A&M; University
Red harvester ants, Pogonymyrmex barbatus Smith
Red harvester ant
13.500MB  AVI  View Movie
Texas A&M; University
Red harvester ants, Pogonymyrmex barbatus Smith
Red harvester ant
12.190MB  AVI  View Movie
Texas A&M; University
Red harvester ants, Pogonymyrmex barbatus Smith
Horse fly
20.940MB  AVI  View Movie
Texas A&M; University
Horse fly
Cicada killer
30.380MB  AVI  View Movie
Texas A&M; University
Cicada killer
Red velvet ant
31.110MB  AVI  View Movie
Texas A&M; University
Red velvet ant or "cow killer" Dasymutilla occidentalis
14.190MB  AVI  View Movie
Texas A&M; University
Soybean looper
17.420MB  AVI  View Movie
Texas A&M; University
Soybean insects: Soybean looper
30.780MB  AVI  View Movie
Texas A&M; University
Soybean insects: Heliothine
Green cloverworm
17.500MB  AVI  View Movie
Texas A&M; University
Soybean insects: Green cloverworm
Banded cucumber beetle
20.090MB  AVI  View Movie
Texas A&M; University
Soybean insects: Banded cucumber beetle, Diabrotica balteata
Spotted cucumber beetle
10.270MB  AVI  View Movie
Texas A&M; University
Soybean insects: Spotted cucumber beetle, Diabrotica undecimpunctata howardii
Threecornered alfalfa hopper
20.380MB  AVI  View Movie
Texas A&M; University
Soybean insects: Threecornered alfalfa hopper
Southern green stink bug
13.200MB  AVI  View Movie
Texas A&M; University
Soybean insects: Southern green stink bug
Southern green stink bug
31.100MB  AVI  View Movie
Texas A&M; University
Soybean insects: Southern green stink bug - mouthparts
Southern green stink bug
5.920MB  AVI  View Movie
Texas A&M; University
Soybean insects: Southern green stink bug - nymph
Green longhorn beetle
39.590MB  AVI  View Movie
Texas A&M; University
Green longhorn beetle, Plinthocoelium suaveolens plicatum (Leconte)
Ironclad beetle
3.490MB  AVI  View Movie
Texas A&M; University
Ironclad beetle
Ironclad beetle
16.770MB  AVI  View Movie
Texas A&M; University
Ironclad beetle
29.850MB  AVI  View Movie
Texas A&M; University
Differential grasshopper, Melanoplus differentialis
9.430MB  AVI  View Movie
Texas A&M; University
Grasshopper anatomy: Overview
15.490MB  AVI  View Movie
Texas A&M; University
Grasshopper anatomy: Head
20.320MB  AVI  View Movie
Texas A&M; University
Grasshopper anatomy: Mouthparts (lateral view)
Lubber grasshopper
14.990MB  AVI  View Movie
Texas A&M; University
Lubber grasshopper
Redlegged grasshopper
7.530MB  AVI  View Movie
Texas A&M; University
Redlegged grasshopper, Melanoplus femurrubrum (DeGeer)
Bagworm Moth
18.960MB  AVI  View Movie
Texas A&M; University
Bagworm Moth
30.110MB  AVI  View Movie
Texas A&M; University
Bagworm Moth
24.780MB  AVI  View Movie
Texas A&M; University
Beet armyworm
27.950MB  AVI  View Movie
Texas A&M; University
Beet armyworm
Skipper butterfly
22.950MB  AVI  View Movie
Texas A&M; University
Extension of skipper butterfly proboscis
32.760MB  AVI  View Movie
Texas A&M; University
Aphids feeding on butterfly weed
Big-eyed bug
7.760MB  AVI  View Movie
Texas A&M; University
Big-eyed bug
Brown stink bug
15.270MB  AVI  View Movie
Texas A&M; University
Brown stink bug
Rice stink bug
16.230MB  AVI  View Movie
Texas A&M; University
Rice stink bug, Oebalus pugnax
Rice stink bug
4.480MB  AVI  View Movie
Texas A&M; University
Rice stink bug, Oebalus pugnax
0.410MB  MOV  View Movie
Bee gathering pollen from flower
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