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  Insect Movies

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Lemon Emigrant Butterfly
1.440MB  MPG  View Movie
Female Lemon Emigrant making it clear to males that she is not available. Takes a while to download. Might be better to save to disk first and play later.
1.440MB  MPG  View Movie
Aristocypha fenestrella returning from catching prey. Takes a while to download. Might be better to save to disk first and play later.
1.190MB  MPG  View Movie
Damselfly busy eating a moth. Takes a while to download. Might be better to save to disk first and play later.
1.480MB  MPG  View Movie
Damselfly limbering up. Takes a while to download. Might be better to save to disk first and play later.
1.330MB  MPG  View Movie
Dragonfly preparing to hunt again. Takes a while to download. Might be better to save to disk first and play later.
1.610MB  MPG  View Movie
Small green fly preparing for take-off. Takes a while to download. Might be better to save to disk first and play later.
Silverline Butterfly
2.180MB  MPG  View Movie
Silverline butterfly (Spindasis lohita) opening wings in the early morning sun. Takes a while to download. Might be better to save to disk first and play later.
Water Skater
1.790MB  MPG  View Movie
Water skater (Hemiptera Gerridae). Takes a while to download. Might be better to save to disk first and play later.
Sagra Beetle
0.790MB  MPG  View Movie
Sagra beetle takes off (Coleoptera Chrysomelidae). Takes a while to download. Might be better to save to disk first and play later.
Stick Insect
2.650MB  MPG  View Movie
Stick insects attempting to mate. Takes a while to download. Might be better to save to disk first and play later. will take a while to download - easier to save file before playing!
1.450MB  MPG  View Movie
Wasps' nest. Takes a while to download. Might be better to save to disk first and play later.
1.060MB  MPG  View Movie
Beetle devouring the petals of a flower. Takes a while to download. Might be better to save to disk first and play later.
1.950MB  MPG  View Movie
Nyctemera coleta moth feeding on a lantana plant. Takes a while to download. Might be better to save to disk first and play later.
1.770MB  MPG  View Movie
Epicopeia polydora moth drinking from moist leaves in the early morning. Takes a while to download. Might be better to save to disk first and play later.
1.910MB  MPG  View Movie
Grasshopper munching his way through a leaf. Takes a while to download. Might be better to save to disk first and play later.
1.670MB  MPG  View Movie
Parasitic wasp stinging and possibly laying eggs in a spider. Takes a while to download. Might be better to save to disk first and play later.
9.550MB  AVI  View Movie
Texas A&M; University
Thrips in cotton flower
Acrobat ant
18.720MB  AVI  View Movie
Texas A&M; University
Acrobat ants, Crematogaster
Harvester ant
20.570MB  AVI  View Movie
Texas A&M; University
Harvester ants
Texas Native ant
2.150MB  AVI  View Movie
Texas A&M; University
Native ant feeding on bait
Acrobat ant
1.740MB  AVI  View Movie
Texas A&M; University
Acrobat ants feeding on bait
Carpenter ant
15.290MB  AVI  View Movie
Texas A&M; University
Carpenter ant, Camponotus rasilis or C. sayi
Carpenter ant
18.560MB  AVI  View Movie
Texas A&M; University
Carpenter ant, Camponotus pennsylvanicus (DeGeer)
Cheese ant
18.600MB  AVI  View Movie
Texas A&M; University
Cheese ant, Forelius
Cheese ant
23.950MB  AVI  View Movie
Texas A&M; University
Cheese ant, Forelius
Cheese ant
24.110MB  AVI  View Movie
Texas A&M; University
Cheese ant, Forelius
Cheese ant
43.370MB  AVI  View Movie
Texas A&M; University
Cheese ants attacking fire ant queen
Crazy ant
17.690MB  AVI  View Movie
Texas A&M; University
Crazy ants, Paratrechina longicornis
Fire ant
17.430MB  AVI  View Movie
Texas A&M; University
Fire ant trail, Solenopsis invicta
harvester ant
34.110MB  AVI  View Movie
Texas A&M; University
Fire ants attacking harvester ant
Harvester ant
43.250MB  AVI  View Movie
Texas A&M; University
Harvester ants moving a dime
Little black ant
12.190MB  AVI  View Movie
Texas A&M; University
Little black ants, Monomorium minimum
Pavement ant
17.240MB  AVI  View Movie
Texas A&M; University
Pavement ant nest, Tetramorium
Pavement ant
20.400MB  AVI  View Movie
Texas A&M; University
Pavement ants, Tetramorium, adults and brood
Pyramid ant
15.770MB  AVI  View Movie
Texas A&M; University
Pyramid ants, Dorymyrmex sp.
Pyramid ant
25.130MB  AVI  View Movie
Texas A&M; University
Pyramid ants, Dorymyrmex sp.
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